Through the Gaps Between My Teeth
Generative video installation, custom software,Twitter messages, paper
Through the Gaps Between My Teeth is a generative real-time animation in which alphabetical characters, swarming around the projected image, occasionally come together to form words and sentences, oscillating between the transcript of President Trump’s Access Hollywood tape and first-person accounts of sexual assault publicly posted on Twitter. The deliberate structural limitation of the custom software (the fact that every Twitter message has to be reconstructed using only the letters provided by DJT’s remarks) leaves imperfections in the text alluding to the structural limitations involved in speaking out about such subject matter.
Projected on a large sheet of paper in portrait format, the work aims to capture the materiality and weight of these intimate and difficult personal testimonies. For sixty hours, the video cycles through a cache of over four-thousand personal testimonies posted between October and December 2016, archived via a custom script.